I’ve been considering this blog restart for a long time. In the past I would ask myself, “What do you want to say to the world?” and I’d be off and running—well, typing. But this is a little different. I’d write, I’d edit, and I’d shelve it for later. Then lather, rinse, repeat. This clearly wasn’t working, but human nature being what it is, I kept trying it anyway. 

Caught up in this whirlpool of my own making, it took me way too long to just stop and let the water keep going without me. There’s resistance there, and I needed to dig in. And I realized: I’m not talking to the world. I’m talking to you. My people, my tribe, those of you who read my old blogs, my book, the [lately few] ramblings I put on Facebook, you get me. If I have anything at all to say, it’s to you.

So here we go. I’m thinking of this like a walk together, a journey that we’ll take. Yes, my swimming metaphor just turned into a walking simile, I’m aware. The words misbehave sometimes, and sometimes, it’s for good reason. We can do this. 

We may end up somewhere or nowhere, but right now we’re just taking a walk together and we’re talking along the way. This blog, this walk as it is, is not about pressing buttons. It’s not political, though politics may show up. It’s not about religion or love or hate, but emotions might join us and religion may stop by from time to time. It’s not about pizza, but it’s always about pizza so we’ll make room. 

This is our journey: You. And me. One thing I can tell you: There will be hope. I can pretty much guarantee that. 

…More to come…