photo-3We’re gaining speed now; three months of 2014 are under our belt.

Where has the time gone? Well, let’s take a look:

March started with a little rule breaking and some insight from my sister’s cookbook. From there, things got a little nerdy with writerly thoughts on journals, a little nausea, Ash Wednesday, and some character needs. As promised, there was more poetry in March, with Tiny Ship, The Evening (done in two parts), Green, Thermostat, and Tugging. I launch into some disclosure with Thank You Construction Workers, and reminisce in family memories of On My Own at the Ripe Old Age of 2, and Lug Nuts First, Lug Nuts Last. In Characters of Old Buildings, the blog itself was just a picture with the sparsest of writing. And there was even some fun info on St. Patrick, which was the second most popular post in March, just behind The Evening (Part One).

I welcome the readers who joined me in March, and I know they’re drawn to the great comments made as much as to my writing, so thank you to all of you!

My own favorite pieces this month were Lug Nuts, Change to Spare, and I Say Writer. Lug Nuts was fun because I had no idea what I was going to say when I sat down at the keyboard, and then that memory popped into mind and I followed it through. With Change to Spare and I Say Writer, these were written during a turning point for me, when I made the decision to seek funding for a writing idea that’s swimming in my head. The idea has merit and what’s more, I believe in it. It’s time to fan the flame.

The pursuit of passion is both a noble and risky venture. I think April sounds like a good time for noble and risky, don’t you?

I’ll meet you here tomorrow.


My first book, Upside Down Kingdom, is available on Amazon. I’ll sign it for you.